
Red Herring Grabba – HotGrabbz

$20.00$900.00 CAD

Our RED HERRING GRABBA is one of the darkest & smelliest tobacco Grabba leaves offered at HotGrabbz. Besides its very pungent, smoke-like smell and flavor, due to the “Fire Curing Process“. Red Herring Grabba is one of the strongest leaves available. Although, this leaf’s traditionally used to make chewing tobacco, snuff and pipe blends. Some of our customers have enjoyed this leaf, in a hookah blends, or as a roll-your-own spliff mixed with marijuana, comparable to our (LIGHT) RED HERRING GRABBA, despite it’s stronger smell and flavor.


  1. RED HERRING GRABBA is one of the darkest & smelliest tobacco leaves offered at HotGrabbz. Besides its very pungent, smoke-like smell and flavor, due to the “Fire Curing Process“. Red Herring Grabba is one of the strongest leaves available (see “What is Red Herring Grabba?“). Although, this leaves traditionally used to make chewing tobacco, snuff and pipe blends. Our customers have enjoyed this leaf for years, in a hookah blends, or as a roll-your-own spliff mixed with marijuana. There is nothing comparable to Red Herring GRABBA Canada. Despite its strong smell and flavor. When you’re a HotGrabba smoker, and then you mix this fully smoked leaf with your Weed. It brings out an unmatched flavor that no other blend can ever provide. Especially for the ones that REALLY LOVE HOTGRABBA. This leaf is a perfect introduction to the Grabba world.

How To Use Red Herring Grabba?

If you have any questions on how to use this product, we’re here to help. Red Herring Grabba can be used in many ways. But when you’re a marijuana smoker and want to add that kick to each toke you take. Then just add some Grabba!!

  • Dry out a piece of leaf you would like to use
  • Crush it up and MIX JUST A LITTLE with your marijuana
  • Now roll your spliff and Light it up
  • If you don’t feel a slight difference in your tokes then you should add more.
  • If its too harsh then you added TOO MUCH!

Another Way To Use Grabba:

  • Make sure your leaf is moist
  • Rip off a reasonable size leaf you would like to use and lay it down on a RAW
  • Now empty your crushed herb on the sheet of RAW and Grabba 
  • Now ROLL UP! It’s a little tricky at first, but when you get the hang of it, it  becomes second nature.
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Red Herring Grabba
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Monty
Best product out there

Amazing product. I live in london and ive been ordering from hotgrabbz for more then a year now. I wont go anywhere els but i wish they would change delivery company. Canada post constantly late with my parcel. I dont mind paying $50 for delievry through another company that delivers on time. Other then that you guys are the real deal i recommend to all my friends all the time.

 by Christopher Willams

Finally I Found Some Real Red Herring Grabba. THANK YOU!!

 by Justin Pike
I Rate This Grabba!!! Best In Canada Hands Down

 by colson
red hearing grabba

best service! best grabba! hottest you will be able to get your hands on!

Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions32 × 14 × 5 cm

1 Full Leaf, 2 Full Leaves, 3 Full Leaves, 4 Full Leaves, 5 Full Leaves, 8 Full Leaves, 10 Full Grabba Leaves, 15 Full Leaves, 25 Grabba Leaves, 30 Full Grabba Leaves, 50 Grabba Leaves, 100 Grabba Leaves


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